شركة قطنة المنزل Odoo Version 11.0

Information about the شركة قطنة المنزل instance of Odoo, the Open Source ERP.

Installed Applications

All delivery Check
Module for Check all delivery status server action
Byt Sale Credit Limit
Credit Status on Sale
Odoo Delivery Boy
Odoo Delivery Boy module allows you to assign delivery boys and manage delivery of orders through native mobile application.
Delivery Company Report
Module for Getting print out of Delivery report
Confirm Sale order link tracker
Confirm sale order based on link click
Picking report modification
Confirm sale order based on link click
Kasper Saee Delivery
Link Tracker Extended
Consignment Extended
To restrict consignment order in PO/SO view
Magento Odoo Bridge
Basic MOB
Odoo Multi Vendor Marketplace
Start your marketplace in odoo with Odoo Multi-Vendor Marketplace. Allow Multiple sellers to sell their products on your marketplace website.
Purchase credit note
Module to add total of credit on purchase order list view
Product Variant Extra Price
This module allows you to manually apply additional extra prices for Product's variants.
Vendor Code
Module for adding vendor code field and search based on vendor code
Vendor Product Sale Report
Module for Getting print out of Delivery report
Leads, Opportunities, Activities
Inventory Barcode Scanning
This module adds support for barcodes scanning to the Inventory Management.
Projects, Tasks
Inventory Management
Inventory, Logistics, Warehousing
Manufacturing Orders, Bill of Materials, Routings
Sales Management
Quotations, Sales Orders, Invoicing
Point of Sale
Touchscreen Interface for Shops
Review and approve employees time reports
Discussions, Mailing Lists, News
Advance Inventory Reports
Advance Inventory Reports / Inventory Analysis Reports - Inventory Turnover Analysis Report / Inventory Turnover Ratio - Inventory FSN Analysis Report / non moving report - Inventory XYZ Analysis Report - Inventory FSN with XYZ Analysis Report / FSN-XYZ Analysis / FSN XYZ Analysis - Inventory Age Report / stock ageing / Inventory ageing / stock age - Inventory Age Breakdown Report - Inventory Overtsock Report / Excess Inventory Report - Stock Movement Report / Stock Rotation Report - Inventory Out Of Stock Report / inventory coverage report / outofstock report Advanced Inventory Reports / All in one inventory reports / all in one reports
Leave Management
Leave allocations and leave requests
Invoicing Management
Send Invoices and Track Payments
Sale Loyalty
Loyalty Points on Sale Order
Accounting Management
Financial and Analytic Accounting
Picking Operations
Delivery Orders Report Customisation
Sticky notes, Collaborative, Memos
Website Builder
Build Your Enterprise Website
Sell Your Products Online
Purchase Management
Purchase Orders, Receipts, Vendor Bills
Employee Directory
Jobs, Departments, Employees Details
Manage employee attendances
Recruitment Process
Jobs, Recruitment, Applications, Job Interviews
Expense Tracker
Expenses Validation, Invoicing
Aramex Shipping
Order Invoice Mail
Tamara Payment
Create your custom dashboard
Contacts Directory
Customers, Vendors, Partners,...
Odoo Delivery
Amwal Payment
Amwal Payment
EG Cancel and Confirm Quotations
Cancel Receipt
Cancel Receipt in Inventory
CLEX Delivery Integration eG
Stock Picking Status
Fastlo Delivery Integration eG
Eg Invoice Extended
Saw to delivery order in invoice
Mail Extended
Mail Extended
Eg Msg Base
Post Sms
Multiple Shipment Tracking eG
eG Picking Policy
Quara Payment
EG Send to Shipper
Shipa Delivery Integration eG
Shipment Management
Special Delivery Report
Report of delivery order when order state is ready and delivery method is custom delivery
Supplier Statement Report
Module for Supplier Statement regarding SO and PO.
Eg Template Integration
Post SMS
Eg Unifonic Website Support
Post SMS
Unique Intenal Reference / SKU
This module will help to restrict duplicate internal reference or SKU
Stock Scrap bulk Validate
Import Inventory Adjustment
Import Inventory Adjustment
Add Multiple Products
Enable Multi Product Selection
Non Moving Products Report
Non Moving Products Report gives the list of products which are in stock but doesn’t have any movement (doesn’t have sales) in specified date range. Report will be generated warehouse wise along with it’s last sales information.
Consignment Business Process / Second-hand shops
This module allow you have process for Consignment business and Second-hand shops.
Odoo Vendor Portal
The module allows you to provide a website portal to the vendors so they can track and manage purchase orders directly from their account.
Tracking Barcode
Odx Customer Filter
Delivery Cities Import
Hub Barcode
Move reversal
Product Advance Barcode Labels
This module allows user to generate product barcode labels of different size and support multiple configuration for barcode generation.
Product Extended Baytonia
Customization on Product for baytonia Co.
Product Image Import
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
Sale Extended Report
Payment Status in SO
Payment Status in Sale Order
Sale Timing
Time Dealy Cacluation in sale and delivery
SMSA Delivery
Top Growing Products Report
Top Growing Products report app identifies the best-selling products of your business with high growth ratio. It is calculated for a particular time period which helps to get the idea on future sales opportunities.
VAAL Delivery
Create surveys, collect answers and print statistics
Email Marketing
Design, send and track emails
Personal & Shared Calendar